
2015/09 - 2019/06,华东师范大学,地理科学学院,地图学与地理信息系统,博士
2012/09 - 2015/06,河南大学,环境与规划学院,地图学与地理信息系统,硕士
2008/09 - 2012/06,河南大学,环境与规划学院,地理科学,学士
2019/07 -至今,河南大学,黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心
(1)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:基于时空多尺度非线性统计建模的PM2.5浓度估算研究. 2022/01—2024/12,在研,主持
(2)河南省高等学校重点科研项目应用研究计划:基于WebGIS的河南省黄河下游农业综合管理信息系统研发. 2021/01—2022/12,在研,主持
(3)河南省社会科学规划决策咨询项目: 新冠肺炎对河南经济发展的影响与对策研究. 2020/9—2021/3,已结项,主持
(5)河南省大气污染综合防治与生态安全重点实验室开放基金项目:顾及地理因素时空效应的PM2.5浓度估算研究,2018/7—2020/6, 已结项, 主持.
(6)国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于地球系统数据产品降尺度模拟缺资料的天山南坡山区流域气候-径流过程, 在研,参与
(1)Yang Dongyang, Ye Chao, Xu Jianhua. Land-Use Change and Health Risks in the Process of Urbanization: A Spatiotemporal Interpretation of a Typical Case in Changzhou, China. Land, 2021, 10: 820.
(2)Lu Debin, Xiao Wu, Xu Guoyu, Ha Lin, Yang Dongyang∗.Spatiotemporal patterns and influencing factors of human migration networks in China during COVID-19. Geography and Sustainability, 2021, 2: 264-274.
(3)Zhang Xiangxue, Gu Xinchen, Cheng Changxiu, Yang Dongyang**, Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of PM2.5 and its relationship with urbanization in North China from 2000 to 2017. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 744: 140925.
(4) Yang Dongyang, Chen Yulong, Miao Changhong, Liu Dexin. Spatiotemporal variation of PM2.5 concentrations and its relationship to urbanization in the Yangtze river delta region, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, 11: 491-498.
(5) Yang Dongyang, Lu Debin, Xu Jianhua, Ye Chao, Zhao Jianan, Tian Guanghui, Wang Xinge, Zhu Nina. Predicting spatio-temporal concentrations of PM2.5 using land use and meteorological data in Yangtze River Delta, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2018, 32:2445–2456.
(6)Yang Dongyang, Wang Xiaomin, Xu Jianhua, Xu Chengdong, Lu Debin, Ye Chao, Wang Zujing, Bai Ling. Quantifying the influence of natural and socioeconomic factors and their interactive impact on PM2.5 pollution in China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241:475–483.
(7)Yang Dongyang, Ye Chao, Wang Xiaomin, Lu Debin, Xu Jianhua, Yang Haiqing. Global distribution and evolvement of urbanization and PM2.5 (1998–2015). Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 182:171–178.
(8)Wang Xiaomin, Tian Guanghui, Yang Dongyang*, Zhang Wenxin**, Lu Debin, Liu Zhongmei. Responses of PM2.5 pollution to urbanization in China. Energy Policy, 2018, 123,602–610.
(9)Yang Dongyang, Xu Chengdong, Wang Jinfeng, Zhao Yong. Spatiotemporal epidemic characteristics and risk factor analysis of malaria in Yunnan Province, China. BMC Public Health, 2017, 17: 66.
(10)Lu Debin, Mao Wanliu, Yang Dongyang, Zhao Jianan, Xu Jianhua. Effects of land use and landscape pattern on PM2.5 in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018, 9:705–713.
(11)Lu Debin, Xu Jianhua, Yang Dongyang, Zhao Jianan. Spatio-temporal variation and influence factors of PM2.5 concentrations in China from 1998 to 2014. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2017, 8:1151–1159.
(12)Ye Chao, Chen Mingxing, Duan Jinjun, Yang Dongyang. Uneven development, urbanization and production of space in the middle-scale region based on the case of Jiangsu province, China. Habitat International, 2017, 66:106–116.
(13)Lv Qian, Liu Haibin, Yang Dongyang, Liu Hao. Effects of urbanization on freight transport carbon emissions in China: common characteristics and regional disparity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 211, 481–489.
(14)Zhao Jincai, Ji Guangxing, Yue Yanlin, Lai Zhizhu, Chen Yulong, Yang Dongyang, et al. Spatio-temporal dynamics of urban residential CO2 emissions and their driving forces in China using the integrated two nighttime light datasets. Applied Energy, 2019, 235: 612–624.
(15)Wang Xinge, Xi Jianchao, Yang Dongyang, Chen Tian. Spatial differentiation of rural touristization and its determinants in China: a Geo-detector-based case study of Yesanpo scenic area. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2016, 7(6):464–471.
(16)Zhu Nina, Xu Jianhua, Li Kaiming, Luo Yang, Yang Dongyang, Zhou Cheng. Spatiotemporal change of Plum Rains in the Yangtze River Delta and its relation with EASM, ENSO, and PDO during the period of 1960–2012. Atmosphere 2019, 10(5), 258.
(17)Zuo Jingping, Xu Jianhua, Li Weihong, Yang Dongyang. Understanding shallow soil moisture variation in the data-scarce area and its relationship with climate change by GLDAS data. PLOS ONE (Accept).
(18) Wang Zhibao, Zhang Lijun, Zhao Xiaolei, Du Hongyu, Yang Dongyang, Cai Yongli. Analysis on landscape pattern of urban green space in Shanghai. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2017, 18(2): 788-801.
(19)Wang Zhibao, Liu Xingda, Zhang Lijun, Jiang Hong, Du Hongyu, Yang Dongyang, et al. Effects of short-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition on root biomass and morphological characteristics of Ligustrum lucidum ait in new reclamation coastal field. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(3): 5649-5662.
(20)刘勇, 杨东阳, 董冠鹏, 张航, 苗长虹. 河南省新冠肺炎疫情时空扩散特征与人口流动风险评估——基于1243例病例报告的分析. 经济地理, 2020,40(03): 24-32.
(21)柏玲, 罗溢斌, 姜磊, 杨东阳, 崔远政. 中国城市NOx排放的时空特征与驱动因素:基于空间分异视角. 环境科学学报. 2020,40(02): 687-696.
(22)杨东阳, 赵永, 王小敏, 苗睿, 田光辉. 中原经济区县域经济差异时空演变研究. 地域研究与开发, 2015, 34(5): 29–33.
(23)赵佳楠, 徐建华, 卢德彬, 杨东阳, 毛婉柳. 基于RF-LUR模型的PM2.5空间分布模拟——以长江三角洲地区为例. 地理与地理信息科学, 2018, 34(1):18–23.
(24)毛婉柳, 徐建华, 卢德彬, 杨东阳, 赵佳楠. 2015年长三角地区城市PM2.5时空格局及影响因素分析. 长江流域资源与环境, 2018, 26(2): 264–272.
(25)卢德彬, 毛婉柳, 杨东阳, 赵佳楠. 基于多源遥感数据的中国PM2.5变化趋势与影响因素分析.长江流域资源与环境, 2019, 28(3): 660–669.
(26) Bai Ling, Jiang Lei, Yang Dongyang, Liu, Yaobin. Quantifying the spatial heterogeneity influences of natural and socioeconomic factors and their interactions on air pollution using the geographical detector method: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232:692-704.
(1)徐建华, 陈睿山, 等著. 地理建模教程. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.