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【学术预告】刘贇喆:Spatio-temporal Big Data Analytics for Smart Cities: Urban Mobility and Public Transit

报告时间: 12月25日20:00-21:00;




个人简介:刘贇喆,英国利物浦大学地理数据科学实验室博士,主要研究方向包括人口地理统计,地理计算,空间数据挖掘、城市流动与城市交通。成果发表在Transportmetrica A: Transport Science、journal of Transport Geography、Geo-spatial Information Science等地理与交通领域SSCI期刊。

报告摘要:Many core problems in relation to urban mobility, such as traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, excessive greenhouse gas emission, public health issues, and social equality, have being intensified following the process of enormous urbanisation. With the rapid development of information and communication technology, cities and people are more connected than ever and simultaneously generating large volume of data. This talk will demonstrate examples of making use of these spatiotemporal big data to gain insight of people and places and to deliver intelligent service and governance towards smart cities. Three typical cases of research will be presented, respectively utilising subway smart card transactions, station turnstile entrance/exit data, and taxi GPS data.



★ 河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心 版权所有 © 2017   电话:0371-22826115  ★