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【培训预告】Introductory and Advanced Multi-level Modelling of Geographical Data with R

报告题目:Introductory and Advanced Multi-level Modelling of Geographical Data with R

主 讲 人:董冠鹏  





Course Outline:

Sunday 15 July 2018: Using R in Geographical Data Analysis

14:00—15:00. Introduction to R language. [Lecture + Practical]

15:30—17:30. Spatial data visualisation and analysis in R. [Lecture + Practical]

Monday 16 July 2018: Multilevel Modelling using R (I)

09:30—10:30. Multiple structure of spatial data and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) [Lecture 1]

10:40—11:40. Random Intercept Multilevel models. [Lecture 2]

Lunch break.

14:00—15:00. Practical 1

15:30—17:00. Practical 2

Tuesday 17 July 2018: Multilevel Modelling using R (II)

09:30—11:30. Random Slopes Multilevel models [Lecture]

Lunch break.

14:00—17:00. Practical

Wednesday 18 July 2018: Advanced Spatial Multilevel Modelling using R

09:30—10:30. Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Models

Lunch break.

14:00—16:30. Practical and Bring your own data session

Thursday 19 July 2018: Frontiers in Spatial/Spatio-temporal Modelling


董冠鹏,博士,讲师,国际知名地理学期刊《Environment and Planning B》编委。2016年度英国经济与社会科学研究理事会(ESRC) Jon Rasbash Prize获得者。主要研究领域包括空间多层线性模型开发,贝叶斯时空统计模型开发与应用,环境健康与生活质量,居住隔离与不平等,城市大数据。在Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Geographical Analysis, Journal of Regional Sciences, Transaction in GIS, Environment and Planning B, Land Use Policy等国际知名期刊上发表20余篇SSCI论文。





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